Webinar on Lessons Learned from ENVRI-Hub Next Landscape Analysis

Date: 3 September 2024
Time: 10:00 – 12:00 CEST


Join us for a 2-hour interactive webinar, “Lessons Learned from the ENVRI RIs Landscape Analysis,” where we will share key insights and findings from the recent landscape analysis questionnaire on metadata, vocabularies, AAI, and licenses across ENVRI Research Infrastructures (RIs).


  • Share key findings from the landscape analysis questionnaire
  • Foster discussions and collaboration among ENVRI RIs


RI representatives who participated in the questionnaire will contribute short presentations during the webinar.


A detailed agenda and connection information will be provided soon.


We encourage all ENVRI-Hub Next Consortium Members and ENVRI community RIs to join this valuable opportunity to learn from each other and explore potential collaborations.