Open position: Scientific researcher (m/f/x) assessing the risk of Amazon rainforest dieback in models, Physical Geography and Land Use Systems, LMU’s Department of Geography, Germany

LMU’s Department of Geography investigates vegetation-climate interactions. The group develops and applies the latest generation of land and Earth system models and integrates them with observations. Key research questions are the fate of ecosystems under the pressures of land use and climate change, Earth system feedbacks via energy, water and biogeochemical cycles, and the role of vegetation for greenhouse gas emissions reduction and CO2 removals in support of the Paris Agreement. The team is strongly involved in large international collaborations such as the Global Carbon Project, CMIP and IPCC.

The scientific researcher will be part of the Horizon Europe project “ClimTip”. Large-scale Earth system tipping events could have severe consequences for climate, ecosystems and society. ClimTip combines paleoclimate, observational and model data to identify tipping elements and early-warning signals. In close collaboration with Prof. Niklas Boers (ClimTip lead, Technical University Munich) LMU leads the assessment of the risk of Amazon forest dieback. The scientific researcher will

  • coordinate a comparison across international Earth system modeling groups to assess the non-linearity of the response of the Amazon rainforest to combined land-use and climate change
  • contribute and analyze own simulations with the ICON Earth System Model
  • take a leading role in the development of scientific publications.

Deadline for applications is 10th November 2023. Read more and apply here: