The 6th ICOS Science Conference will be held in France from Tuesday 10th to Thursday 12th of September 2024 in Versailles Palais des Congrès and online. In addition there will be an ice-breaker networking event on Monday the 9th and excursions or other side events on Friday the 13th so make sure to reserve the whole week in your calendar.
This year’s theme is “From GHG observations through science to services”. The sessions reflect ICOS’s three domains – Atmosphere, Ecosystem and Ocean – and incorporate broader themes such as climate services, science communication and cooperation between Research Infrastructures.
The Call for Abstracts for ICOS Science Conference is now open! The abstract submission deadline is Monday, 8 April, 2024 at 13:00 CET.
Learn more about the sessions and how to submit an abstract on the conference website.