Open and FAIR environmental data for societal benefits, an ENVRI-FAIR policy event

June 20 @ 2:45 pm – 4:45 pm


The ENVRI-FAIR project (2019–2023) is coming to an end, and the achieved results are impressive. In a community effort, the European environmental Research Infrastructures have converged towards the provision of fully open and FAIR data and services that are crucial to provide solutions for the major challenges of our planet: climate change and its impacts on the Earth system, our ability to respond to and predict natural hazards, and our understanding and prevention of ecosystem loss. This event will highlight the main achievements of the ENVRI Community and their concrete applications to benefit our societies. It will open up for future ways to increase the societal impact of the European environmental cluster.

The event will take place on 20.6.2023, from 14:45-16:45 CEST, online and at Lund University, room Lux Aula, Helgonavägen 3 223 62 Lund, Sweden.


Welcome to the European Community of Environmental RIs, ENVRI
Andreas Petzold Coordinator of the ENVRI-FAIR project
Werner Kutsch Chair of the Board of European Environmental Research Infrastructures

ENVRI enables open science
Anca Hienola Co-Coordinator of the ENVRI-FAIR project
All environmental data and services provided by the ENVRI Community are ready to be integrated into the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).

ENVRI makes cross-disciplinarity a reality
Niklas Blomberg Director of the European life sciences infrastructure, ELIXIR
Rory Fitzgerald Director of the European Social Survey, ESS
Breaking silos is a major achievement, not only inside the ENVRI Community, but beyond the environmental cluster.

ENVRI supports the work with FAIR data and services in the cloud
Peter Thijsse Project Manager at MARIS
Blue-Cloud is an example of advanced services (harmonised data access, Virtual Research Environments…) using FAIR data in the cloud that support the research community and businesses.

Questions and answers

ENVRI gives access to Europe’s environmental data
Ulrich Bundke Data Manager of ENVRI-FAIR
Angeliki Adamaki Project Manager at Lund University-ICOS Carbon Portal
The ENVRI-Hub demonstrator is the major achievement of ENVRI-FAIR and represents a crucial step in making European data from the environmental cluster accessible to all.

Questions and answers

Together towards higher societal impact: the future of ENVRI
Andreas Petzold Coordinator of the ENVRI-FAIR project