Job opportunity: JERICO-RI Scientific Coordinator at Ifremer (Brest, France)

A pioneer in ocean science, IFREMER, is looking for a Scientific European coordinator of the infrastructure project dedicated to coastal ocean observation. Ifremer coordinates a suite of collaborative European Commission funded projects related to the Joint European Research Infrastructure for Coastal Observation (JERICO). Since 2007, these European projects aim to establish a European infrastructure dedicated to coastal ocean observation JERICO-RI and to coordinate the associated scientific community. This research infrastructure aims to become the point of excellence integrating research, education and innovation combining new forms of knowledge production, dissemination and use, in line with the renewed objectives of ESFRI towards the European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC).

The project coordinator’s main mission is to contribute to the lead and the scientific coordination (1) within the institute, (2) with other French research organizations, and (3) with the European partners, in order to establish JERICO-RI.

Within this context, the major duties are to:

  • Ensure the scientific coordination of the process to the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) of JERICO-RI (Roadmap, Preparation, Operation phases) in line with a sustainable and sober economic model; thus contributing to the future of coastal ocean and nearshore observation at the global scale.
  • Participate to the right scientific positioning of JERICO-RI in the landscape of Environmental / Earth system European Research Infrastructures. Contribute to the implementation of the European Ocean Observing System (EOOS) and/or participate in the Board of European Environmental Research Infrastructures (BEERi) and/or in EUROGOOS.
  • Ensure that the national research infrastructure IR ILICO is well integrated as the French node of the European infrastructure JERICO-RI and that IR ILICO benefits from JERICO’s advances.
  • Maximize the contributions and scientific impact of the creation of JERICO-RI for Ifremer teams and other national research institutes (development of networks, funding opportunities, pooling of resources, etc.). In particular, to ensure that the data, products and services resulting from coastal observation are used for scientific research conducted within Ifremer in connection with the DataTerra Research Infrastructure.

Deadline for applications : 19/05/2023

Click here for more information and application details.

The post is based on an IFREMER Job vacancy for the JERICO Scientific Coordination post that first appeared on JERICO Research Infrastructure website.

Job Opportunity: Project Manager (Clermont-Ferrand, France)

The ATMO-ACCESS Coordination and Project Office are currently looking for a project manager, to contribute to the management of the project, monitor its execution, and participate in specific actions related to access to the services of research facilities in the atmospheric field in Clermont Ferrand, France. Deadline for applications is 16th June 2023.

The successful candidate will be in charge of:

  • Participating in the various tasks of the ATMO-ACCESS project management and follow-up of the different aspects of the ATMO-ACCESS project (financial, administrative-legal, technical/scientific) including the monitoring of the progress and activities, preparation of scientific and financial reports, and communication;
  • Contributing to the analysis of access cost models and the establishment of full costs of research infrastructure facilities

Click here for more information.

This post was first shared on the ATMO ACCESS website.

Four open positions for researchers at University of Helsinki

The Faculty of Science at the University of Helsinki is the largest science faculty in Finland. Currently, the faculty invites applications for TWO STAFF SCIENTISTS AND TWO DATA SCIENTISTS (UNIVERSITY RESEARCHERS):

  • Staff scientist 1 will work in atmospheric greenhouse gas measurements. The core activity of the staff scientist is to ensure production of sustainable and traceable high-quality data and data products of greenhouse gas concentrations and ecosystem-atmosphere exchange fluxes.
  • The core activity of staff scientist 2 is to ensure sustainable and traceable high-quality data and data products of in-situ measured aerosol nanoparticles and ions with a known uncertainty.
  • Data scientist 1 will develop processes to manage, process, and disseminate seismic data from permanent stations and temporary deployments of various sensor types.
  • Data scientist 2 placed at the Department of Computer Science will concentrate their work on development of data processing methods in the context of the InterEarth profiling action at University of Helsinki.

The starting date for all positions is 1st August 2023 (or as agreed) for fixed-term positions for 5 years.

The staff scientist positions are placed at Institute for Atmospheric Sciences and Earth System Research (INAR), while the data scientists will be placed one at the Department of Geosciences and Geography and the other one at the Department of Computer Science. The appointee shall hold an applicable doctoral degree. The degree requirement must be met by the end of the application deadline which is 19.6.2023.

Learn more about the positions and the application process here.

This post was first shared on the eLTER website.