All the ENVRI content at EGU23, at one glance

Don’t skip a beat! On this page, you will find all you need to know about the ENVRI-related content at EGU23. And don’t forget to come and visit us at booth 23-25, entrance hall!

Sessions by the ENVRI Community


Air-Land Interactions (General Session)
Co-sponsored by iLEAPS and ICOS
Convener: Natascha Kljun | Co-conveners: Anne Klosterhalfen, Matthias Mauder, Christoph Thomas


Science-based, measurement-based greenhouse gas monitoring and emission estimates in support of national, sub-national and industrial climate change mitigation
Convener: Phil DeCola | Co-conveners: Beata Bukosa, Werner Leo Kutsch, Oksana Tarasova


Gas exchange and emission mitigation options in agricultural ecosystems
Convener: Christof Ammann | Co-conveners: Christian Brümmer, Eliza Harris, Alexander Moravek, Alex Valach


Novel methods for bridging modelling and understanding of carbon, energy, and water fluxes from leaf to continental scales
Convener: Mana Gharun | Co-conveners: Alexander J. Winkler, Gregory Duveiller, M. Piles, Rossella Guerrieri


Soil gases: production, consumption and transport processes | PICO
Convener: Jukka Pumpanen | Co-conveners: Bernard Longdoz, Martin Maier, Anna Walkiewicz, Nicholas Nickerson


Open Interoperability Frameworks Built by Scientists for Scientists to Meet Global Societal Challenges
Co-sponsored by AGU
Convener: Angeliki AdamakiECS | Co-conveners: Anca Hienola, Kirsten Elger, Lesley Wyborn, Jacco Konijn


In-situ Earth observation and geospatial data sharing and management as key basis for the climate emergency understanding
Convener: Ivette Serral | Co-conveners: Alba Brobia, Joan Masó, Marie-Francoise Voidrot, José Miguel Rubio Iglesias


Airborne observations in multidisciplinary environmental research using European Research Infrastructures; observations, campaigns and future plans
Co-organized by AS4 /ESSI4/PS1
Convener: Thomas Ruhtz | Co-conveners: Kristine Dannenberg, Hannah Clark, Shridhar Jawak, Philip Brown


Estimates of evapotranspiration from in-situ measurements – uncertainties in comparison and scaling
Co-organized by BG3
Convener: Sibylle K. Hassler | Co-conveners: Jannis Groh, Harrie-Jan Hendricks Franssen, Corinna Rebmann

Lunch Talks programme (booth 23-25)

Get your daily dose of environmental science during EGU23! Join the Lunch Talks session at the ENVRI Community booth (Entrance Hall, Level 0, booth 23-25) everyday between 12:15 and 13:15. No registration is required. Listen to our experts, and join the conversation. Full programme below!

Monday 24.4

“ACTRIS – The Aerosol, Clouds and Trace Gases Research Infrastructure Exploring the Atmosphere”
ACTRIS’ state-of-the-art resources and services provide unprecedented opportunities for atmospheric scientists to perform research and experiments that address the most important questions in air quality and climate research.

“eLTER – The challenge of a holistic approach in ecosystem research an observation”
The unique characteristic of eLTER as part of the European Research Infrastructures landscape is to serve multiple disciplines collaborating at well-chosen sites. These sites represent major European environments
and understanding their functioning under global change requires long-term, cross- and trans-disciplinary approaches.

ENVRI-Hub demo: The future gateway to the environmental data and services
Meet the ENVRI Hub! This portal is the central gateway to FAIR data and services the European environmental research infrastructures offer. The ENVRI-Hub features a community-built platform that combines a service catalogue, a knowledge base, information on training resources that support service providers and users, and a virtual research environment with several initial science demonstrators, all accessible through a single access interface.

Tuesday 25.4

ENVRI Hub demo: catalogue of services
This demo is dedicated to the catalogue of services of the ENVRI-hub. The catalogue contains descriptions of services provided by European environmental research infrastructures, complete with data, metadata, semantic assets, taxonomic information, and more. The catalogue focuses on services with machine-accessible endpoints and how to prompt them.

Observing the ocean from sea-surface down to seafloor: EMSO ERIC and the crucial role of European and international cooperation in a nutshell
Oceans play a fundamental role for life on Earth and regulate its climate. The goal EMSO ERIC is to monitor essential ocean variables (EOVs) from the sea surface to the ocean floor to foresee and address complex environmental processes and natural hazards.

Book launch: “A Practical Guide to Atmospheric Simulation Chambers”
The guide presents atmospheric simulation chambers as effective tools for atmospheric chemistry research. It describes the latest advances in chamber interoperability and standard protocols to provide the research community and the next generations of scientists with a unique technical reference guide for using simulation chambers.

Wednesday 26.4

New advances in IAGOS
The latest developments in the IAGOS infrastructure will be described, along with a demonstration of the new tools from the IAGOS database.

Online processing environments: EPOS use case (Jupyter notebook+Enlighten)
Online processing environments are becoming more usual and can provide quick insight into scientific methods and enable transparent research. EPOS is demonstrating a use case from the solid Earth domain where Jupyter Notebook and the visualization tool Enlighten are opening new paths for research.

ENVRI Hub demo 3: Scientific use cases
Meet the ENVRI Hub! This portal is the central gateway to FAIR data and services the European environmental research infrastructures offer. The ENVRI-Hub features a community-built platform that combines a service catalogue, a knowledge base, information on training resources that support service providers and users, and a virtual research environment with several initial science demonstrators, all accessible through a single access interface.

Thursday 27.4

Blueprint for European Urban Scale Greenhouse Gas Measurements
ICOS Cities bring together and evaluate the most innovative measurement approaches for greenhouse gas emissions in densely populated urban areas. The project supports the European Green Deal and aims to develop tools and services for cities to support their local climate action plans.

Unlocking the Treasure Trove of Science: an Exciting Tour of the EOSC Portal
Picture this: you’re a researcher on a quest to discover new knowledge and uncover scientific secrets. But instead of searching far and wide for the tools and data you need, you have a trusty sidekick that guides you to the treasure trove of science: the EOSC portal! This magical portal combines everything you need for your research journey – from data sets to analysis tools – all in one place. It’s like a digital genie granting your wishes for scientific discovery. And the best part? It’s all about sharing and collaboration! You can connect with fellow researchers, swap ideas, and build on each other’s work to unlock new discoveries and uncover hidden gems. So, grab your lab coat and goggles, and let’s set off on a wild adventure of discovery with the EOSC portal as our guide!

The Dashboard for the State of the Environment
The EOSC Future Science Project on the “Dashboard for the State of the Environment” is a cross-discipline service that addresses scientific facts the environmental concerns. It showcases the use of services offered by the EOSC while contributing to the continuous growth of the EOSC. The project combines Research Infrastructures from different environmental disciplines (Biodiversity, Atmosphere, Ocean) that set up analytical workflows to provide environmental indicators. The indicators are fed to the Environmental Dashboard in real-time, allowing the users to visualise the “State of the Environment” by interacting with the provided (well-documented) indicators via a user-friendly interface that links them to the output of the contributors’ workflows.


Townhall (Room 0.94/95, with free food & drinks)

This Townhall Meeting aims to give an outlook of new directions in scientific research that could be possible if online data sets, tools, and research infrastructures are fully integrated on a global scale across scientific disciplines as well as sectoral and national boundaries.

Looking up to the sky: Flying around in the Open Science Universe, we identify what is already there – what can we reach with our scientific starships and how can we benefit? What spectacular scientific results can we foresee with Open Science approaches? What would be needed to achieve them?

Looking back down to earth: We identify the current barriers or challenges and brainstorm ways to overcome them. What does this require from all of us and our current way of thinking about integrating data and science? How can we boldly go where no scientist has gone before?

This Townhall Meeting follows up on the session ESSI 2.9 where various approaches demonstrate successful integration on the level of datasets and/or research infrastructures in support of scientific research. Within disciplines, across disciplines, and across national or even continental boundaries.

Although it may seem like a small step in this day and age of great online and technological possibilities, early attempts hint that it will still be a giant leap to fully achieve this integration.

Registration open! Digitisation of Natural History collections: From data quality to data cleaning and data publishing

Registration deadline: 20 June 2023 (Registration is free. Only the trainees who will be selected to participate the course will be requested to pay the fees).

Language: English

Location: Natural History Museum of Crete – University of Crete

Fee: 500 € It includes coffees and lunches. For accommodation and dinners special prices have been arranged.

The course will target the basic and important steps and standards of the digitisation process of all biological, geological, paleontological & mineralogical data of the natural history collections. These are:

  • Data quality for ensuring the maximum quality when digitising taxonomic, geographical, collection and descriptive data such as taxonomic data, specimens and materials, literature data, field work notes, occurrence data, remote sensing data, etc.
  • Data cleaning in order to improve the quality of data and make them “fit-for-use” by defining and determining error types, search and identify error instances, correct the errors, document error instances and error types and modify data entry procedures to reduce future errors.
  • The data visualisation focusing in applying visualisation techniques in clean data.
  • Biodiversity Data Standards, such as Darwin Core, which are documented agreements on representation, format, definition, structuring, tagging, transmission, manipulation, use, and management of data, in order to ensure that data can be easily verified, analysed and reused by the wider scientific community.
  • ABCDEFG Standards which give access to Biological Collection Databases extended for Geosciences.
  • Publishing of data using the IPT (INTEGRATED PUBLISHING TOOLKIT) for the biological data and the GeoCASe platform for the geological, palaeontological & mineralogical data.
  • The types of Data Sets convenient for publication in GeoCASe platform.

The course will be a 5 days hands-on experience, since, according to its schedule, most of the time is dedicated to exercises on data quality and cleaning while group work will ensure and motivate interaction between trainees and trainers and foster lively discussions. Moreover, trainees will have the possibility to bring sample(s) of their institutional biodiversity and geodiversity digital database and exercise on them.


The course is addressed to everyone who is engaged in biological and geological collections and their data, such as Curators and Collections’ managers, Directors/Senior managers, Collections’ Digitization managers/officers, Scientists on bio- or geo informatics, Students (Graduates, Post graduates, MSc, PhD), Technicians of collections.

The course has been evaluated as a successful course through its four times implementation and standardisation in the frames of the EU COST Action CA17106 on “Mobilising Data, Experts and Policies in Scientific Collections-MOBILISE”.

Please, click here for a complete description of the course. You may also register here.

This post was first published on the DiSSCo website.