The ENVRI-hub is a central gateway to environmental data and services offered by the European environmental research infrastructures. The ENVRI-Hub is free and open to all.
Training in FAIRness
Benefit from the ENVRI-FAIR project’s training in FAIRness material: workshops, frameworks, training sessions. Learn at your own pace. The material is open to all.
Science Demonstrators
Sub-domain and cross-domain Science Demonstrators show the capabilities of service provision among ENVRI Research Infrastructures and Science Clusters.
A set of Jupyter Notebooks developed by the contributing RIs and accessible from the ENVRI-Hub are used to demonstrate and validate the capabilities of service provision among ENVRIs and across Science Clusters.
Visual Identity
ENVRI Community
Visual guidelines
(pdf, screen)
ENVRI Community
Logo pack
(pdf, screen)
ENVRI Community
(pdf, screen)