ENVRINNOV: Compiling a catalogue of ENVRI innovation services

The first analysis of innovation services currently offered by European environmental research infrastructures has been developed and published by the ENVRINNOV project partners, as part of the project’s mission to create a common innovation roadmap for the ENVRI community.

This iteration of the catalogue lists ENVRI services provided by the ACTRIS, EMSO ICOS and eLTER environmental research infrastructures, extending beyond traditional data provision, highlighting the importance of tools and initiatives that drive innovation within the environmental research community.

The catalogue identifies a number of different services, which are categorized into areas that are of high relevance to innovation within the ENVRI community, such as:

– Research & Development: such as for the co-design of cutting-edge instrumentation, equipment, procedures, methodologies or techniques.

– Training and Capacity Building: through dedicated programs and workshops aimed at enhancing the skills of researchers and practitioners in utilising environmental data and tools effectively.

– Innovation Support: to foster innovation, including collaborative platforms, funding opportunities, and facilitating partnerships with industry stakeholders.

You can find the full information here.

In the coming months, the list of services will be expanded to include more research infrastructures across the ENVRI community, and it will be added to the ENVRI Hub.

If you’d like to be informed about the latest updates of the project and upcoming training opportunities, you can sign up to the ENVRINNOV project mailing list here.  You can also sign up to the ENVRI Community newsletter, to be informed about news, events or other opportunities from the ENVRI projects and the wider community here.

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