ENVRI-FAIR collaborates with the entire ENVRI community that includes 26 environmental research infrastructures, networks, and projects. However, only those infrastructures that were identified as ESFRI Projects or Landmarks (13) can directly participate in the project. They represent the core component of the Environmental domain research infrastructure landscape.
“Coordinated long-term observations of atmospheric aerosols, clouds, and trace gases in Europe.”
Keywords: Atmospheric aerosols, clouds, trace gases, air quality, climate change
Domain: Atmosphere
Website: actris.eu
ACTRIS is the pan-European research infrastructure (RI) producing high-quality data and information on short-lived atmospheric constituents and on the processes leading to the variability of these constituents in natural and controlled atmospheres. ACTRIS provides services, including access to instrumented platforms and simulation chambers, tailored for scientific and technological usage for user from the public and private sectors. ACTRIS has an essential role in building new knowledge as well as in policy issues on climate change and air quality, associated with document Ref. Ares(2018)5931584 – 20/11/2018 824068 ENVRI-FAIR – Part B 18 quality, and long-range transport of pollutants. ACTRIS was accepted for the ESFRI Roadmap in 2016 and has entered its Implementation Phase. Coordinating institution: FMI, Finland Coordinator: Eija Juurola; Scientific Chair: Paolo Laj Representing organisations in ENVRI-FAIR: FMI, CNR, CNRS, NILU, UHEL
Fostering ecosystem science through experimentation
Keywords: Terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, agroecosystems, experimentation, modelling, functional ecology, ecosystem services
Domain: Terrestrial ecosystem / Biodiversity
Website: anaee.eu
AnaEE (Analysis and Experimentation on Ecosystems) is a research infrastructure that brings together a series of state-of-the-art experimental and analytical platforms throughout Europe. By linking these platforms to modelling approaches, AnaEE advances our understanding of the environmental impacts of ongoing global change, and fosters adaptation and mitigation strategies for safeguarding ecosystem services and their economic and societal benefits. It forges evidence-based adaptation and mitigation strategies that assure plant, soil, water, biodiversity and ecosystem health today and in the future. Those strategies are needed to maintain essential services to society, including carbon sequestration, food security, clean water, biodiversity. Characteristic to AnaEE, its versatile facilities can simulate environmental drivers from land-use change, pollution, biological invasions, rising atmospheric greenhouse gases concentrations, and to increasing extreme events such as droughts and heatwaves. AnaEE has the potential to look into the future, thanks to the integrative and coordinated usage of its experimental, analytical and modelling facilities. It provides open and easy access to resources and services to a broad user community world-wide to conduct excellent experimental research, foster innovation and provide high-quality information. AnaEE is a key structure to obtain the knowledge necessary to tackle the complex global environmental challenges facing human societies.
Coordinating institution: AnaEE ; Coordinators: Michel Boër.
Representing organizations in ENVRI-FAIR: INRA, CNRS, CREA
Keywords: River-Sea Systems, Estuarine, Delta, Coast, Interdisciplinarity Freshwater, Marine, Research
Domain: River, Marine, Multi
Website: danubius-ri.eu
DANUBIUS-RI will be a pan-European distributed research infrastructure supporting interdisciplinary research on large river-sea systems. It will fill the gap, drawing on existing research excellence across Europe, enhancing the impact of European research while maximising the return on investment. It will provide access to a range of European river-sea systems, facilities and expertise; a ‘one-stop shop’ for knowledge exchange in managing river-sea systems; access to harmonised data; and a platform for interdisciplinary research, inspiration, education and training. The RI will comprise a Hub and a Data Centre in Romania, a Technology Transfer Office in Ireland, and Supersites and Nodes across Europe. This structure will enable DANUBIUS-RI to build on existing expertise and synergies to support world-leading interdisciplinary research and innovation in freshwater-marine research. Coordinating Institution: GEOECOMAR, Romania; Coordinators: Adrian Stanica, Michael Schultz Representing organisations in ENVRI-FAIR: GEOECOMAR, INSB, USTIR, CNR.
Distributed System of Scientific Collections
Keywords: Natural history collections, biodiversity data, digital specimen, FAIR, data harmonization
Domain: Geo- and bio-diversity, natural history collections, environment, research
Website: dissco.eu
The Distributed System of Scientific Collections is a new world-class Research Infrastructure (RI) for natural science collections. The DiSSCo RI works for the digital unification of all European natural science assets under common curation, access, policies and practices, and aims to ensure that the data is easily Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR). As such, DiSSCo will transform a fragmented landscape of individual natural science collections into an integrated knowledge base that provides interconnected hard evidence of the natural world. DiSSCo represents the largest ever formal agreement between natural history museums, botanic gardens and collection-holding universities in the world.
A next generation research radar for the polar upper atmosphere
Keywords: Atmosphere, ionosphere, space weather, radar
Domain: Atmospheric
Website: eiscat3d.se
EISCAT_3D is a multi-static phased array radar system dedicated to observations of the Earth’s polar atmosphere above the northern Scandinavian Peninsula. The project is run by EISCAT Scientific Association an existing international research infrastructure that is currently funded and operated by research councils and funding organizations in Norway, Sweden, Finland, Japan, China and the United Kingdom and has its headquarters in Kiruna, Sweden. The ESFRI selected EISCAT_3D for inclusion in the Roadmap 2008 for Large-Scale European Research Infrastructures. Coordinating institution: EISCAT Scientific Association, Sweden; Coordinator: Craig Heinselman Representing organisations in ENVRI-FAIR: EISCAT_3D
Keywords: Long-term research, cross-disciplinary, multi-domain, multi-scale, socio-ecology, in-situ
Domain: Biodiversity/Ecosystems
Website: elter-ri.euThe Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and socio-ecological Research Infrastructure (eLTER RI) is now in the preparatory phase of formal implementation as a pan-European Research Infrastructure. The eLTER RI will comprise about 200 eLTER Sites and eLTSER Platforms from over 20 participating European countries. It will offer a wide range of European-level Central Services for different users, including access to sites and site data from multiple sources. eLTER RI will enable standard observations and analyses of the environment in a holistic manner, encompassing biological, geological, hydrological and socio-ecological perspectives. To secure the implementation of the eLTER RI, the European Commission has recently approved two major, complementary Horizon2020 projects: eLTER PLUS (Advanced Community) and eLTER PPP (Preparatory Phase). The projects will provide a major boost to scientific work at selected eLTER sites across Europe (eLTER PLUS) and thereby catalyze eLTER RI development (eLTER PPP). Both projects will start in February 2020 and will last five years.
European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and water column Observatory
Keywords: long-term in situ ocean observations, climate change, marine ecosystems, geo-hazards Domain: Marine, multi-domain
Website: emso.eu
Key words: Solid Earth science, Plate Observing System
Domain: Solid Earth Science
Website: epos-eu.org
EPOS, the European Plate Observing System, is a multidisciplinary, distributed research infrastructure that facilitates the integrated use of data, data products, and facilities from the solid Earth science community in Europe. With the goal of a better understanding of the active Earth system processes controlling earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, unrest episodes and tsunamis as well as those driving tectonics and Earth surface dynamics. EPOS aims to build an efficient and comprehensive research platform for the Earth sciences in Europe relying on new e-science opportunities through the construction of a distributed e-infrastructure (EPOS Core Services). EPOS will allow the Earth Science community to make a significant step forward by developing new concepts and tools for accurate, durable, and sustainable answers to societal questions concerning geo-hazards and those geodynamic phenomena (including georesources) relevant to the environment and human welfare. On October the 30th 2018, the European Commission granted the legal status of European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) to EPOS. Based in Italy, in Rome, at the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) EPOS ERIC is currently joined by fourteen countries. Lilli Freda is the EPOS ERIC Executive Director appointed on April 1st 2021. Representing organisations in ENVRI-FAIR: INGV, UKRI, CNRS, UiB, BRGM, KNMI, CNR
Keywords: Ocean observing system, profiling float, physics, biogeochemistry
Domain: Marine
Website: euro-argo.eu
The objectives of the Euro-Argo ERIC are to optimize, sustain and improve the European contributions to Argo and to provide a world-class service to the research (ocean and climate) and operational oceanography (COPERNICUS Marine Service) communities. Euro-Argo also aims at preparing the next phase of Argo with an extension to deeper depths, biogeochemical parameters and observations of the polar regions. The Euro-Argo RI comprises a central facility and distributed national facilities. On May 2014, the EC awarded European legal status (ERIC) to the central facility. Euro-Argo aims at developing a capacity to procure, deploy and monitor one quarter of the global network (350 floats per year including the new phase of Argo to abyssal ocean, high latitudes, European marginal seas and biogeochemical parameters) and ensure that all the data can be processed and delivered to users (both in real-time and delayed-mode). Coordinating institution: EURO-ARGO ERIC, France; Coordinator: Sylvie Pouliquen Representing organisations in ENVRI-FAIR: EURO-ARGO ERIC, IFREMER, UKRI-BODC
In Service Aircraft for a Global Observing System
Keywords: Trace gases, clouds and aerosols, UTLS
Domain: Atmospheric
Website: iagos.org
IAGOS implements and operates a global observation system for atmospheric composition, aerosol particles and clouds by deploying autonomous instruments aboard a passenger aircraft fleet. The European consortium behind IAGOS includes research centres, universities, national weather services, airline operators and aviation industry. IAGOS provides freely accessible data for users in science and policy including air quality forecasting, verification of CO2 emissions and Kyoto monitoring, numerical weather prediction, and validation of satellite products. IAGOS AISBL was founded in January 2014. It is considered a major contributor to the in-situ component of COPERNICUS Services Atmosphere (CAMS) and Climate (C3S) and serves as contributing network to GAW. Coordinating institutions: CNRS Laboratoire d’Aerologie, France; FZJ, Germany; Coordinators: Valerie Thouret (CNRS), Andreas Petzold (FZJ) Representing organisations in ENVRI-FAIR: CNRS, FZJ
Standardised, high-quality & open greenhouse gas data
Keywords: Greenhouse gas observations, carbon cycle, standardised measurements, data integration, ERIC
Domain: Multi-domain
Website: icos-ri.eu
ICOS RI provides the long-term observations required to understand the present state and predict future behaviour of the global carbon cycle and greenhouse gas emissions. The objectives of ICOS RI are to provide effective access to a single and coherent data set to facilitate research into multi-scale analysis of greenhouse gas emissions, sinks and the processes that determine them, and to provide information, which is profound for research and understanding of regional budgets of greenhouse gas sources and sinks, their human and natural drivers, and the controlling mechanisms. ICOS RI tracks carbon fluxes in Europe and adjacent regions by observing the ecosystems, the atmosphere and the oceans through integrated national station networks, European central facilities and distributes the GHG data to the users via ICOS Carbon Portal. ICOS ERIC was established in November 2015. Coordinating institution: ICOS ERIC, Finland; Coordinator: Werner Kutsch Representing organisations in ENVRI-FAIR: UHEL, FMI, ULUND, UVSQ, CMCC, UiB
Reshaping biodiversity and ecosystem research
Keywords: Biodiversity, Ecosystem Research, ICT services, Computing, Big Data, Open Data, Open Science, Cloud, Training
Domain: Multi-domain
Website: lifewatch.eu
LifeWatch ERIC is the e-Science European infrastructure for biodiversity & ecosystem research. It invests in its three essential components: open access resources, reproducible analytics and mobilised communities. By equipping scientists with distributed computational and storage capacity, tools and web services for data integration and interoperability, as well as with Virtual Research Environments, LifeWatch ERIC makes it possible to test scenarios of change in biodiversity, ecosystems and their services and support the formulation of nature-based solutions. Such evidence-based synthetic knowledge can then be made available to decision-makers and citizens, empowering society to tackle planetary challenges and supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the EU Green Deal and the 2030 Biodiversity Strategy targets. In addition, LifeWatch ERIC provides training and learning opportunities for a range of users, ensuring access to all the data, services and resources available within the infrastructure. Chief Executive Officer: Christos Arvanitidis. Representing organisations in ENVRI-FAIR: LifeWatch ERIC
Building an observing system to provide added value to earth system science in the high-arctic
Keywords: Earth System Science, distributed RI, data sharing, access to RI, Svalbard, Arctic
Domain: Multi-domain
Website: sios-svalbard.org
Contact information: information@sios-svalbard.org
The Svalbard integrated Earth observing system (SIOS) is a regional observational system for long term measurements in and around Svalbard addressing Earth System Science questions. SIOS integrates the existing distributed observational infrastructure and coordinates further development of this in order to answer the scientific questions identified. The SIOS Knowledge Center (SIOS-KC) is the central hub of SIOS offering the coordinated services identified by the partners, including integration and optimisation of the observing system, access to the research infrastructure, integration and coordination of data management and coordination of logistical services for scientists. Services are developed by the partners with coordination support from SIOS-KC. Coordinating institution: SIOS Knowledge Center through the legal entity SIOS Svalbard AS (a public limited company); Coordinator: Heikki Lihavainen Representing organisations in ENVRI-FAIR: SIOS Knowledge Center, CNR.