Work Structure
The work plan is designed around 12 Work Packages. The structure of the workflow is organized in a way that besides coordination and management, three work packages are dedicated to communication, strategic developments and common policies to secure close links to all stakeholders. Another seven work packages are focusing on the implementation of tools and services within the individual Research infrastructures, but coordinated at a subdomain level. Each of the four subdomain implementation work packages contains demonstration activities towards research communities. The last work package deals with the project ethical issues.
WP1 – Project Management
The project management Work Package concentrates on day-to-day management activities of the project. It is responsible for project internal coordination structure, financial and administrative management, governance, project reporting coordination, risk management, and development and implementation of key performance indicators and metrics for the impact of the project.
WP (co)leaders: Andreas Petzold & Ari Asmi
WP2 – ENVRI-FAIR communications strategies and tools
WP2 has two objectives. The first objective is to facilitate communications of the ENVRI-FAIR project and its results towards and with a wide range of stakeholders using various dissemination, promotion and collaboration techniques. The second objective of WP2 is to further build, engage and promote the ENVRI community to support the implementation of the project results and solutions within the current cluster of Research Infrastructures, as well as outside of it. Moreover, the ENVRI community building activities and tools, such as virtual ENVRI community platform, will also further support the communication, cohesion and harmonisation of the Environmental Research Infrastructure landscape.
WP leader: Magdalena Brus
WP3 – Strategy for alignment with national and international stakeholders, community development and innovation activities
The objective of WP3 is to ensure the implementation of standards, services and policies developed in ENVRI-FAIR are shared with the wider ENVRI community, aligned with policies of its institutional stakeholders, in particular at member state level, and compliant with the strategy of its relevant user-multipliers in the Environmental domain (international initiatives and programs) and with strategic partnerships and collaborators in EOSC and e-infrastructures. Finally, WP3 will develop targeted collaborative actions with the private sector to enhance the uptake of ENVRI data services.
WP (co)leaders: Anca Hienola, Sanna Sorvari & Paolo Laj
WP4 – Common FAIR Policies
The objective is to create a homogeneous set of common FAIR data and service policies for both the domains and ENVRI community, with a minimum number of special clauses or cases, and with different levels of granularity on Research Infrastructure, subdomain and ENVRI community level. Particularly the ENVRI Community Services provided for EOSC in WP5 require mutual
understanding of the policies involved. Term “policy” in this context involves all necessary principles involving RI service provision, such as access, availability, management, authorship, versioning.
WP (co)leaders: Helen Glaves & Ari Asmi
WP5 – Common requirements and testbed for (meta)data services, community standards and cataloguing
The main objectives of this WP are as follows:
- Provide an up-to-date analysis on the gap(s) each individual Research Infrastructure needs to bridge to meet its interoperability and FAIR requirements;
- Select the common development targets for (metadata and data) services that will be implemented in the subdomains in WP8-WP11;
- Design, develop and implement the ENVRI-FAIR Catalogue of EOSC services;
- Design and provide guidelines for testing and validation ENVRI-FAIR services;
- Synthesise and demonstrate the readiness of ENVRI-FAIR services for EOSC and formulate a strategic roadmap for future development.
WP (co)leaders: Alex Vermeulen & Gelsomina Pappalardo
WP6 – Training and capacity building
The objective of this work package is to provide training to participating environmental research infrastructures and key ENVRI stakeholder groups about the FAIR principles, how to implement them in RI services and data management activities at data center level, how to evaluate the degree of implementation using FAIR infrastructures, as well as relevant legal and policy requirements.
WP (co)leaders: Maggie Hellström, Jacco Konijn & Nicola Fiore
WP7 – Common implementation and support
The WP7 follows the guidelines provided by WP5, closely interact with individual research infrastructures to provide targeted support for designing, recommending and implementing solutions to overcome identified gaps, and for testing and validating the development results from individual research infrastructures at subdomain, ENVRI community and EOSC level.
WP (co)leaders: Daniele Bailo & Zhiming Zhao & Dick Schnaap
WP8 – Atmosphere subdomain
WP 8 is user-oriented with the main objective to advance the FAIRness of the atmospheric subdomain, by implementation of technological solutions on RI level to improve access to data and services.
WP (co)leaders: Cathrine Lund Myhre & Damien Boulanger
WP9 – Marine subdomain
The improvement of the FAIRness of the Marine Research Infrastructures is critical to developing the integrated services systems required by a broad variety of research, regulatory and operational communities.
WP (co)leaders: Thierry Carval, Juan José Dañobeitia, Sylvie Pouliquen
WP10 – Solid Earth
The main objectives of WP10 are:
- Coordination and harmonisation at subdomain level of policies and governance needed to implement FAIR concepts and for integration with the European Open Science Cloud;
- Creation of a subdomain roadmap for implementation of FAIR principles;
- Coordinate and harmonise technical implementation activities of Research Infrastructures in the subdomain for the implementation of FAIR principles;
- Enhance and upgrade Research Infrastructures in order to bring them to the FAIRness maturity and to make them interoperable in an EOSC environment;
- Validate and demonstrate FAIRness and EOSC compliancy of enhanced Research Infrastructures in the subdomain.
WP (co)leaders: Garry R. Baker, Daniele Bailo, Massimo Cocco
WP 11 – Biodiversity and ecosystem subdomain implementation
The work package focuses on the enhancement of the harmonisation, integration and interoperability, considering the connectivity with the other subdomains in terms of drivers and variables considered.
Considering the number of Research Infrastructures contributing to the WP and their different status of maturity in relation to the ESFRI Roadmap, the main objectives of this WP are as follows:
- Enhance the harmonisation of RI data FAIRness within the subdomain and reinforce the functional collaboration among the Research Infrastructures, capitalising on RI specificities and strength points;
- Implement the FAIR principles into the data life cycle of the Research Infrastructures in the biodiversity and ecosystem subdomain;
- Realise case-studies showing the achieved and integrative FAIRness on interoperability and reusability applied to ‘essential variables’ of relevance to address biodiversity and ecosystem status and define response scenarios of change;
- Ensure proper Data Management Plans (DMPs) and their integration in the respective Information Systems (from Long-tail to Big Data, Blockchain, and others which they could be technologically based on), in order to then guarantee the development of modelling techniques and tools through the provision of distributed e-Services associated.
WP (co)leaders: Alberto Basset, Dario Papale
WP 12 – Ethics requirements
The objective is to ensure compliance with the ‘ethics requirements’ set out in this work package.
WP leader: Andreas Petzold